Haruki Satou Interview

Since her debut 3 years ago, Haruki Satou has performed in over 900 titles (including compilations) and last year received a distinguished top actress award from the adult broadcasting division of Sky PerfecTV. Her cute looks and top quality body have made her a fan favorite and she's certainly not a pushover.

from sensualgirls

Interviewer: So it's been 3 years now?
Haruki Satou: That's right. I've been told that 3 years of this is very hard work. There's been times as of late where I've even clocked-in sans fake eyelashes.

I: What do you mean?
HS: I think going without my fake eyelashes in makes me look even younger. I think I look pretty much the same otherwise.

I: That's for sure. Do you feel any different now after being in the biz for 3 years?
HS: As of late? I've been a bit off target to tell you the truth.

I: Feeling off?
HS: Haha! Well, my objective for my first year was to get a lot of fans. With popularity came A LOT more work which saw me less concerned with hitting a goal as I was too busy going from set to set. My life's been nothing but work as of late.

I: What's the busy season like for you?
HS: 29 jobs in a month. I've barely any time for going out to drinks so I've lost weight.

I: 29 in a month! That means you've only 2 days to call your own. You sure are busy...

HS: I had my eyes on winning that Sky PerfecTV adult actress award. My friend Yui Hatano actually nominated me and ended up handing me the trophy and with that, another objective was cleared.

I: Is that so? Did winning that award change your working situation?
HS: Perhaps? My friends have mentioned that I already was really busy with work before winning the award so nothing really has changed—even on the V-Cinema front. I really don't think winning the award has changed my work prospects that much (not that that's a bad thing.)

I: I see.
HS: Though I think winning that award has made me feel more confident in my performances whereas before there was a level of gung-ho'ness I had to put myself through while taking on new assignments.

I: It's hard for normal folk such as myself to digest how you can be working 29 days in a month. How do your days go?
HS: There's times when shoots wrap up very late and I find very little time for rest. There's times when I finish shooting, go home and take a bath, and then repeat the process right away the next day.

I: Sometimes you get no shut-eye between jobs?
HS: Correct. That's my life.

I: Do you ever then have urges simply to wish away your next job?
HS: Not really. You can be very strong if you put your mind to it. Falling down is something we as people can avoid. This 'tough' life is what I'm all about. Taking time off does not cross my mind and neither does giving up.

I: You are indeed a tough one. I'm impressed.
HS: Is that so? When I do rest, my body shuts down. People can put themselves through a lot, but reality does eventually make itself known.

I: So do you have a secret for being able to work 29 days a month?
HS: Live one day at a time and put the past, good or bad, behind you.

I: Oh, really?
HS: With one shoot done, it's to the izakaya and that helps me clear my mind for the next job.

I: Do you not worry much?
HS: I don't have time to think, I just do. That's how I function. Now I've a bit more leeway so I'm taking note of how much stamina I've available to work with. Either way, I'm used to working everyday.

I: You really are a hard-worker. I'm in awe.
HS: Yea, but I sometimes can't even remember productions I've been in. “What title of yours is most memorable?” is a question I have difficulty answering.

I: Sorry! I hope I didn't enter choppy seas.
HS: I'm not often asked, but it's something I don't remember well so it's hard to give a good answer.

I: “I don't know” is absolutely fine. That's a very real reply.

from sensualgirls

Interviewer: 'Haruki Satou = shiofuki' and 'Haruki Satou is the shiofuki queen.' How did your unique ability come about?
Haruki Satou: I first experienced it back when I was in high school during a fateful and surprising session with my fingers. It was a cute, yet bonafied shiofuki.

I: No splashing?
HS: I first thought I just went to the bathroom unexpectedly and it wasn't until I entered the AV industry that I found out otherwise. From then on, it became my thing.

I: So you thought you had an accident in bed the first time?
HS: There was some trickling less than splashing the first time so I thought I went #1. Being with AV actors is where I learned how to really make it fly.

I: There's a technique?
HS: You gotta go all out.

I: Is there a spiritual component?
HS: Funny. I wonder...the technique comes with the output and I'm not really sure how to explain it. I know when it's coming and when it's going to explode out of me.

I: Do you know when it's going to go airborne?
HS: Yup. I'm not sure if this is the correct way to say it, but it won't fly if I'm not wet enough.

I: Are your best shiofuki episodes done via intercourse?
HS: Sometimes yea, and it can fly very far. People think there's a connection with being hydrated by drinking lots of water and tea but I don't think that's necessarily the case...at least for myself.

I: For you it comes naturally and not something that's bound by effort?
HS: There's definitely things I need to look out for. I've made a snafu before. You may know this already, but Red Bulls are a staple at sets. I carelessly drank one before filming and my shiofuki ended up having a fluorescent yellow tinge to it. I learned from that to watch my intake of those types of vitamin drinks before shooting.

I: This is a must-read for future aficionados of shiofuki. After 3 years of being an AV star, has your body changed in any ways? How about your erogenous zones?
HS: I've been loving my nipples as of late. They're so sensitive and I love making them hard on my own along with having them teased by men. I feel bummed if men don't help me out in that regard. Also, the sound of men breathing deeply is a turn-on. I'm at the point now where I can orgasm solely via nipple play.

I: Being able to orgasm just by your nipples is incredible!
HS: Sometimes I'll rest on my side with my legs crossed and read a manga on my phone with one hand while making myself orgasm by playing with my nipples with the other. That's how I can cum without even getting my lower body involved!

I: That's wonderfully in its simplicity. How did you masturbate before?
HS: Before that it was either with a vibrator or my fingers. I had to have something inside of me. My idea of reaching an orgasm made for a delayed payoff.

I: When did you discover how to orgasm quicker?
HS: When was it? I think it was when doing some shoot with an actual special doctor that helped me figure out how I can make myself orgasm without having to rely on fingering and otherwise touching myself down there. That's when I really learned all about well-timed orgasms. From then on, cumming came easy.

I: Which title was it?
HS: Possibly something I did with Crystal.

I: Was it this one?
HS: Maybe. It isn't that new, but it's still worth seeing!

from jjgirls

Interviewer: When did you awaken to your sexuality?
Haruki Satou: I've been masturbating for as long as I can remember.

I: How did begin masturbating?
HS: You know about those sticks of glue? I stuck one of the orange-colored ones inside me.

I: A foreign insertion?
HS: That's right. My finger wasn't doing the job of fulfilling me so I looked for something better to use. I searched around at home and found the glue-stick and thought it'd do the trick.

I: You'd need a lot of vigor to make that work.
HS: Yea, I know.

I: Continuing onward, have you ever used vegetables?
HS: I thought about it, but it'd be such a waste to throw it out when I'm done. A glue-stick is slimmer and worked really well.

I: You were already really active with yourself back then!
HS: I know! I was asked if I really was a virgin during my first time.

I: When was this?
HS: When I just started high school. It didn't feel uncomfortable at all to tell you the truth in spite of my friends saying otherwise.

I: Who did you do it with?
HS: Some college student I met on a dating site.

I: A dating site?!
HS: Yea, they were popular even back then. I wanted my first time to big with someone who already had experience.

I: I see. Did you do it with him the first time you met?
HS: You bet. I was determined to cast away my maidenhood.

I: What kind of person was he?
HS: He was a pretty nice college student, really. I wouldn't say he had a handsome face. In fact, he was just a normal guy.

I: So he didn't come off as a playboy?
HS: Nope. I wouldn't say that at all, but we did meet on a dating site so...

I: I see...
HS: Thinking about it now, he was pretty good in bed and he was packing.

I: Did you orgasm?
HS: The only thing I could think of was how strange he felt inside of me. I didn't necessarily feel good, but it wasn't bad either. It was just strange. I left it all up to him and looking back, I bet I resembled a fish out to dry.

I: That's how first times usually go. When did you start really enjoying sex?
HS: The person after my first time. He became my boyfriend.

I: What kind of person was he?
HS: He was a very good-looking upperclassman whom I fell head over heels for. When I was walking home from the entrance ceremony with some friends, I saw him heading the same way on his bicycle. He was stopped at a light with us and fate stepped in. I already knew of him since we were in the same school system for some years. The next day I asked a friend for his email address and got it. We met at a park soon after where I asked him out.

I: It sounds like something right out of a shoujo manga!
HS: Right? He kissed me after I confessed and that was all for that day. After that, we often met at the park and only at a park after club activities because he came from a very strict household.

I: Very dramatic!
HS: We eventually really wanted to do it, but it was midwinter and freezing so he brought a thick blanket and we ended up doing it at various parks since once wasn't enough.

I: Sex like a nomad! Then again, doing it outside like that must have restricting position-wise?
HS: We did it in covered areas like underneath slides. There were people walking around sometimes and they may have seen and then ignored it.

I: That's heavy.
HS: We started normal with things like missionary position. Things like really ballsy public sex from behind we didn't do. We had sex almost daily and that's when I really started to like it.

I: So pure sexual romance.
HS: My next boyfriend was even more into sex. That's when I discovered my shiofuki ability along with sometimes going at it together 7 times in one day.

I: That must be were Haruki Satou was created. On that note, is there any new types of sex and work you'd like to see yourself doing?
HS: My intentions for the moment is to lose some weight by dieting. I want to drop 10 kilograms!

I: That much?
HS: Yup. I got fat. Even my fans are telling me this.

I: You gained weight because of stress or too much izakaya?
HS: Neither. I gained weight because of being too happy.

I: You sure seem that way!
HS: Not entirely. My work schedule has sometimes put me under the weather where I'll not have much of an appetite but thanks to AV friends of mine such as Uta Kohaku, Hibiki Otsuki, Yui Hitano, and Miina Kotagi, when I'm down, I'm not there for long.

I: They're all your partners in work and great friends, yea?
HS: Yea, and sometimes because of them I'll overeat. However, I've been going to the gym twice a week and watching what I eat as of late. I don't think I'll ever be able to totally give up drinking though.

I: You're from Kyushu so I take it your preference is for shochu?
HS: Nope, beer—or should I say Kirin Draft and Green Label only! No Silver Label for me! Then again I'm seasonal so as it gets warmer, I'll be focusing even more on losing weight so I can wear more revealing clothing in the summer.

I: I can't wait to see your new look!

Source: mydearestdesire

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Last update: 02/06/2024 14:26:29