Ai Uehara Interview

In spite of the extreme ups and downs of the always harsh Japanese AV industry, Ai Uehara has managed to achieve the unthinkable by holding on to the coveted #1 position. To add more fuel to her success is the huge variety of titles she has starred in: rape, orthodox sex, nakadashi, anal sex, and more. It's amazing that in spite of her impressive curriculum vitae, she still maintains a pure and innocent image.

Even though her real life persona matches that of a naive woman, Ai Uehara possesses the uncanny ability to switch into whatever's needed for her role at the blink of an eye. She can go from gentle to obscenely lewd so fast it causes even veterans of the industry to develop goosebumps. Let's find out more about this uniquely fiery Japanese AV star!

Men's Cyzo: You recently played a lewd woman who went on all out rampage on an amateur actor's nipples in a title by DREAMTICKET. It seems in spite of your successful performance, you don't appear that often in these types of roles.
Ai Uehara: Yea, I know! I'm usually cast to appear in rape titles when I actually prefer to be the one teasing rather than the other way around.

MC: Does this hold true in private?
AU: I don't use much dirty talk, but I still enjoy seeing men in pleasure. Maybe this makes me a masochist? I'm not really sure…

MC: How do you get better at dirty talk?
AU: Not long after my debut I had the opportunity to tag along with actresses who already were really skilled in it. There I got to watch them in action which helped a lot with my studies. I first saw a lot of it used during lesbian productions and Azusa Kirihara in particular was amazing at it. Then I visited sets where rape titles were filmed and listened closely to the male actors and used that as my dirty talk foundation.

MC: In your sadistic woman title by DREAMTICKET you seemed to flit from a manga cafe to a taxi to a laundromat to a storage company all in the same day. Was shooting tough for this title?
AU: It was intense! We were really filming in these places so I was very nervous about being caught. We all had to be quiet and there even were a few times in the cafe where patrons told us to keep it down. The actor in particular really was in dire straits with keeping quiet which I found really adorable.

MC: You pretty much had the lead in this title including sex. How was the planning beforehand?
AU: No, it was pretty much ad-libbed. We'd go from one location to the next with only a rough outline of what we had to do. I had a bunch of ideas jumbling for attention in my head and just went with the one that sounded the most fun.

Men's Cyzo: Any tips for good lewd women play?
Ai Uehara: Maintain eye contact with your partner while teasing him.

MC: Yea, I do notice some AV stars who do lewd women titles sometimes have issues with eye contact.
AU: That's why it's really effective to lock eyes! It makes the actors—especially amateur ones—even more embarrassed and a lot more adorable. You keep your eyes on him and the pleasure keeps on increasing.

MC: Have you ever done any erotic play outdoors in your private life?
AU: No, not outdoors, but I have done some naughty things at school. I dated the same guy throughout high school and we had sex under the teacher's desk, in the nurse's office, etc…

MC: It sounds like you were already doing AV before you even entered the industry! I recall in a recent release by you called A Slave to Kissing by WAAP Entertainment had you doing similar acts, but in a simulated school environment. Can you tell us more about actually having sex in school?
AU: It was after school when we did it. Most students already went home so our chances of being caught were slim. We snuck back into our classroom and had sex right under the teacher's desk. It didn't last long because our legs were totally exposed when doing it missionary style. The nurse's office was a lot better because we were more comfortable there since it was a kinda sorta hangout spot. It also helped that there was a bed for us to use. Again we couldn't finish though so he ended up just fingering me while I gave him a handjob.

MC: You were in a very outgoing relationship!
AU: Yea, but our school was super strict! There was a time we kissed at the train station near the school and a teacher saw us. We had to write out apologies for that one.

MC: For kissing?!
AU: Yea, and the written apology wasn't the end of it. My parents got a call from the school about it too! The school didn't look too kindly on classmates dating so it was just something they always did when they spotted it. One time we went on a class trip to Okinawa and the teachers knew about us dating so they always kept us apart.

MC: And to think in spite of rules that strict, you two had full-on sex on campus.
AU: We couldn't help ourselves. My boyfriend confessed right away and we just went from there from kissing to more pretty fast. In fact, we kissed on that very first day!

MC: Even going from confessing to kissing in one day is pretty rare. How long were you dating for?
AU: 4 years.

MC: It sounds like you haven't had many boyfriends then.
AU: Yea, only 3 counting him.

Men's Cyzo: That is few. Let's talk more about your love life if that's OK with you. When was your first time?
Ai Uehara: When I was 15. He was the same age as me and was also my first real boyfriend. He actually asked me out many times and I kept on saying no, but he was persistent so I finally went steady with him. At first I didn't feel much for him, but he grew on me so we eventually did it.

MC: How long did it take from your first date to having sex?
AU: About 2 months. We often went on walking dates to a nearby temple and one time on the way there we did a few naughty things. This was outside so we obviously didn't finish the act however. The first time we had sex and did it till he came was at his house. I knew at the time I was going over to have sex, but still was really embarrassing and it took awhile for me to finally take off all my clothes.

MC: Was it his first time too?
AU: Yea, so we both were total sex newbies. During our first time we used an erotic book which had pictures of positions that we used for guidance. I didn't even masturbate yet so I truly had no idea where and how things worked down there.

MC: I didn't realize people your age read books like that! How did your first time go?
AU: It hurt, but somehow he made it inside me. On one hand I felt happy, but it wasn't all that comfortable so I ended up not enjoying it that much. Our relationship actually stopped cold after that. He tried to have more sex with me, but I gave him the cold shoulder. Even in school I'd just pass by him without saying anything and we officially broke up 3 months later.

MC: How did you get your next boyfriend?
AU: He was a teacher at a cram school I went to and at 21, he was a lot older than me. My friend was in his class and all 3 of us ended up hanging out from time to time and from that, I started dating him.

MC: That sounds like a wacky group date. I was under the impression that it's strictly forbidden for cram school teachers to hang out with students.
AU: Well he was more of a college student than a full-fledged teacher. We really just started out as friends and it grew from there into an actual love relationship. He was so adult-like and taught me how to give fantastic fellatio. We didn't last long because he ended up cheating on me. We split when I was about to enter high school. My third boyfriend was the one I mentioned earlier who I ended up dating for a few years. Him and me were in different classes in high school, but were friends. Our first time being alone was pretty unique: his class did a haunted house for Halloween and he was one of the ghosts who frightened people. Somehow he got me isolated and that was the first time we held hands.

MC: I think that's against the rules.
AU: Maybe? The next day he came up to me outside of class and told me he had something important to talk about after school. I believed him totally because he was so serious about it. Of course this turned out to be his confession and then we started dating for real.

Men's Cyzo: And were there any other boyfriends until you did AV?
Ai Uehara: Nope. I was just with him until I entered the industry.

MC: Why did you become an AV star in spite of having a boyfriend?
AU: A friend of mine introduced me to the industry. At the time I had zero self confidence and could never imagine doing anything in front of an audience. However, I felt doing AV would be a good kick-start in making me feel beautiful so that's why I signed on.

MC: Your boyfriend never told you were were cute?
AU: Oh, he did, but I wanted more. I recall seeing so many girls cuter than me and wanting to be like them.

MC: Did you not see eye to eye with your boyfriend on your decision to appear in AV?
AU: We were already thinking about splitting up when I entered the industry. This was after a really long relationship so I felt the time was right to try something really different. He said he didn't mind me doing AV though a few months later he ended up giving me the cold shoulder and quickly started dating again.

MC: You kind of started dating again too in a way.
AU: Well, he was seeing some gravure idol. I wasn't too upset given the circumstances though I think some of it was sour grapes due to me doing AV. He may have said he was fine with it at first, but he may have said it just to make me feel good. I took a liking to being an AV star so I didn't feel hurt.

MC: You've been working pretty much non-stop since your debut.
AU: At first I didn't do so much. I was still in school and had work being done on my teeth, but the offers kept on coming in…

MC: Did you have an aspiration to become famous?
AU: Not at all at first. I was worried about being caught which could lead to problems at school such as not being able to graduate. However, being a new face at my agency I felt pressure to give it my best and that's why I ended up sticking around and kept taking those offers. It definitely was a bit vexing at times though. My desire to become famous probably started right around then.

MC: I can imagine. Trying to do it all on your own must be difficult.
AU: Yea, so that's why I pretty much took any job that went my way. There was very little I said no to. I think doing this helped gain me more fans since I kept on doing new things.

MC: You're known as an actress who rarely says no to a role, but are you as daring in your private life?
AU: Not at all. My sex in private is super normal. I really love having sex so what you see during my shoots is authentic to some extent, but I'm not that daring in private. My time on an AV set is spent living out the types of masochistic fantasies I'd never do with an actual boyfriend.

Men's Cyzo: You mention you love seeing how men react to pleasure and I think you did this to a high degree of success in some of your recent work.
Ai Uehara: Yea, in A Slave to Kissing I really went crazy with my tongue-work. That was a first for me. It was a ton of work and I think I lost some weight while filming that one. From all the screaming and squirting and fidgeting, I was probably burning lots of calories nonstop! Nevertheless, I'm real proud of that title so you should check it out.

MC: You sound like an athlete! Was there a technique to your tongue-work?
AU: Now there's none, but some actors did show me a thing or two some time ago.

MC: Expand on that.
AU: A lot of actors seem to like having the tip of their dicks licked. And then there's the nipples…

MC: I believe A Slave to Kissing was directed by KWEST, who's known for his lewd woman movies.
AU: It was nice being in a title by him since he can be really strict about what he wants to see.

MC: You mentioned earlier about ad-libbing your dialog. Was that easier than learning lines?
AU: It depends on the title. I'll definitely take the lead with saying what's on my mind if it's a title about me breaking down someone's lesbian restriction. I frequently do titles like that.

MC: Please break down my lesbian barrier.
AU: I would love to!

MC: Where did you learn how to do that?
AU: Wakaba Onoue. I had my first lesbian experience with her and it left such a lasting impression that I try to emulate parts of it for my own titles.

MC: Is there a technique to being the leader in a lesbian title?
AU: Proximity and eye-contact mainly. You always want to be touching them and looking into their eyes.

MC: So even if the camera isn't focused on a certain area, you still want to remain in contact?
AU: Exactly. That's it.

MC: It's crazy to think you went from low self-confidence to being one of the most popular women in the industry.
AU: You may be right on some counts, but I still don't feel all that confident. Sometimes I rather just blend in with the background, but I do try hard when I consider how many fans of mine are counting on me to perform well. Anytime I'm feeling down, I try to connect with them via Twitter and blog entries. Doing that I'll hear from them right away and that cheers me up.

MC: What's your goal from here on out?
AU: I want to be like Tsubomi.

MC: In terms of being as famous as her?
AU: Not at all! She's in a class by herself! It's just crazy how she's been doing AV for so long yet still maintains that classic lolita image. I think she's an angel of Japanese AV.

MC: I think you may surpass her.
AU: Perhaps if I keep on pushing out titles I may have a chance.

Source: MyDearestDesire

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Last update: 02/06/2024 18:04:22